Mystery of Tears is about redemption and restoration. More specifically, it’s about the sufferings (“spasms”) of Jesus that “broke the curse” for our benefit (i.e., “substitutionary atonement”).
It’s time to release the kraken for Christians to look inwardly with contrition in order to love courageously.
Learn to contextualize the Gospel for anyone God puts in your life.
Observations within Christian subculture in South Orange County. What does Jesus and SOC have in common?
Engage the contemporary culture with Christian apologetics and aesthetics!
From the beginning of time, gold has held an almost magical hold on people. Since the time of the Pharaohs, this yellow metal was used as a form of currency, as well as to adorn the capstones on the pyramids of Giza. In grade school we learned about the Egyptian royal burial of King Tut…
We were bought at a high price (1 Cor 6:20; 7:23). And now as Christ followers, we do not belong to ourselves (1 Cor 6:19). Rather, we deny ourselves (Mt 16:24) and we die to ourselves (Jn 3:3-6), making no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:14). We have no rights over ourselves as if we…
(1) Expecting things in your life to go perfectly. Yes, you were made for eternity. That’s why you seek perfection, desire beauty, and hunger for unending happiness. But we live in an imperfect, ugly, and forlorn world because of sin. So when things don’t go your way or when things get you down or when…
I want to share with you my journey as I traverse through the literary waters of writing a short story of Christian fiction for children in order to attain representation. Below is my book proposal, including cover letter, marketing analysis, chapter summary outline, and sample chapter, just as it will be read by literary agents…
I’d like to take this time to officially announce that I’m writing a children’s book with my son. We started writing it a few years back. I just finished putting together a query letter, which I’m sending to Kregel Publications. I’m sharing it with you now to get some honest feedback. Please leave a comment…