Learn to contextualize the Gospel for anyone God puts in your life.
Observations within Christian subculture in South Orange County. What does Jesus and SOC have in common?
Engage the contemporary culture with Christian apologetics and aesthetics!
From the beginning of time, gold has held an almost magical hold on people. Since the time of the Pharaohs, this yellow metal was used as a form of currency, as well as to adorn the capstones on the pyramids of Giza. In grade school we learned about the Egyptian royal burial of King Tut…
The logical conclusion to the philosophy behind the Star Wars saga hit me like a ton of bricks when our family finally got to watch Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. (From the perspective of a cinematic experience, I thought the movie to be quite entertaining. That is, I thoroughly enjoyed it!…
We were bought at a high price (1 Cor 6:20; 7:23). And now as Christ followers, we do not belong to ourselves (1 Cor 6:19). Rather, we deny ourselves (Mt 16:24) and we die to ourselves (Jn 3:3-6), making no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:14). We have no rights over ourselves as if we…
I read this paragraph in Steinbeck’s East of Eden and it wrecked me, in a good way. This pericope reminds me of how children innately see their parents as immortal beings impervious to corruption, as well as to the constellation of cracks that take place in their porcelain little minds when they realize that their…
What we believe about God affects how we practically live our lives and even how we worship Him. Sadly, too many Christians naively think that they don’t need theology or to be better informed about who God really is. They think, more or less, that all that is needed in the Christian life is to…
I can’t think of anything more offensive to God than the all-too-common slogan “It’s just business.” Someone may respond back: “Well, what about saying ‘I don’t believe in God’?” True, existential atheism is a problem. However, treating people unjustly is an offense to God’s character; it’s practical atheism, in that one could be a believer…