Category: Art, Beauty, Cinema, Devotionals, Family, Friendship, Gospel, JESUS, Literature, Morality, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Polity, Prayers, Psychology, Science and Religion, Scripture, Service, Short Stories, Spiritual Formation, Suffering, Theology
Yes, My Friends, This multi-faceted, multi-challenging, multi-year project is finally complete. With 120 poems, 70 prose, and 10 short stories–that will simultaneously stretch and encourage you–From the Ashes We Rise is a literary force to be read and reckoned with. This book seamlessly weaves Arts and Apologetics all throughout its 556 pages. See why From…
As far back as the classic Greek period, philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle believed that whether truth is represented by universals or particulars, all truth emanates from God. Christian theologians and philosophers from early to late Medieval periods, such as St. Augustine and St. Aquinas, believed that even pagan truths have their source in the Lord. And from the late medieval period through the scientific revolution, philosophers and scientists agreed that God was the author of two books—“the book of nature” and “the book of scripture.”
Sean happens to be thinking the same thing. “If I were to revive his brain, will he end up in the first body or the second body?” A sudden pang of doubt deflates his hope of winning the Nobel Prize for the first successful brain-transplant. “What if his brain doesn’t make it? Then the two people, who’ve put their trust in me and donated their bodies in the name of ‘brain research’ when they died, died in vain. No, I can’t believe that! I know what I believe: logical possibilities ground metaphysical possibilities. Option one is logical and thus ontologically possible.” He swallows a gulp of air. “I have to keep working.”
Category: Beauty, Gospel, JESUS, Literature, Morality, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Science and Religion, Suffering, Theology
Give me Narnia or
Give me the Wild Lands of the North.
Give me Aslan or
Give me the White Witch
and her black dwarfs.
Category: Beauty, JESUS, Literature, Morality, Nature, Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Religion, Scripture, Short Stories, Spiritual Formation, Suffering, Theology
God: “Truth is self-love that sets you free and enables you to see your sin as an opportunity to talk with Me about why you sin so we can have conversations like this one and walk further down life’s path together. This is My heart. This is discipleship.”
This poem was inspired by my friend and pastor, Matt Whitlock, and his sermon on “The Silently Simple Life.”
From the dark abyss of suffering was born my book Biblical Ethics. Five years ago, the last thing on my mind was writing a book on how to live a morally happy, flourishing life. I was deep in the throes of a PhD program when the walls of my intellectual ivory tower came crashing down….
A strictly Darwinian process of evolution is insufficient to account for a universal principle such as the pursuit of happiness. Admittedly, natural selection as an unguided (“blind”) and purposeless process may explain why human beings seek to survive, but it fails to explain why we seek to thrive. Human flourishing seems superfluous to the individuals…
“Collaboration between theology and philosophy is necessary because philosophy alone cannot provide a basis for the understanding of the unity of the perception of meaning, the historical roots of intellectual life.” Pannenberg, Philosophy of Science and Theology, 13.
“After years of probing the spectacular mysteries of the universe, I have been led to a firm belief in the existence of God. The grandeur of the cosmos serves only to confirm my belief in the certainty of a creator. I just cannot envision this whole Universe coming into being without something like divine will….