
Everyone wants to know

life’s greatest mystery.

It’s simple:

read your history

and exchange your brokenness for beauty,

your porcelain mask for the Japanese art

of Kintsugi.

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Category: Beauty, Poetry, Psychology

Androgynous highs and lows—

testosterone freezes

and estrogen flows

like snow,

sun-bathin on top of Kilimanjaro,

meltin glaciers below.

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Category: Beauty, Poetry

You exuded confidence

like one of Zeus’s thunderbolts

and beauty, oh greatness,

beauty that rivaled the cause

of the Trojan War—

Helen of Sparta’s passionate revolt.

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Category: Beauty, Short Stories

Light bends, as we know, when it passes through substances of different densities. And, in this case, light passed through the glass ornaments, hanging on my evergreen, extrapolating a symphony of numbers that danced all around me.

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Observations within Christian subculture in South Orange County. What does Jesus and SOC have in common?

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poetry book


Engage the contemporary culture with Christian apologetics and aesthetics!

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From the beginning of time, gold has held an almost magical hold on people. Since the time of the Pharaohs, this yellow metal was used as a form of currency, as well as to adorn the capstones on the pyramids of Giza. In grade school we learned about the Egyptian royal burial of King Tut…

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Don’t get stuck in the rut of seeing the forest from (the perspective of) the trees. If you get close enough to any tree you will see blemishes, imperfections, and problems. Stand back and see the trees from (the perspective of) the forest and watch your worries decrease and your joy grow. When you see…

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Category: Art, Beauty, Nature

On a recent trip with my wife to Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, we got to experience most of what makes this town so charming. Besides being known for its celebrity-influenced politics–Clint Eastwood as former mayor and Doris Day as animal welfare activist–Carmel is world famous for its European-style architecture. Below are some personal pics of our short…

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I am sharing with you what is now Chapter 7 of my book Biblical Ethics. This happens to be my favorite chapter because it’s chock-full of vivid explanations of God’s emotional life and flourishing. It’s also a topic that is not talked about much from the pulpit, which I believe needs to be discussed in…

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