The Magician’s Assistant


Before there was time, before there were gods, before there were blood sacrifices, before there were written words, Light spoke and split the atom of nothing. Time was dragged into existence, filling empty space.

Some call “nothing” chaos, but chaos is disorder, which is something. It’s not even darkness, for darkness is a black top hat, concealing Schrödinger’s rabbit, and a cloak that folds and flaps in something.

From this Light came the triplet transcendentals: Order, Beauty, and Truth.

-Order organized matter and numbers.

-Beauty shone a spotlight on shapes and colors.

-Truth saw clearly the genius of ubiquitous twin titans (science and reason), raising them with Love and Goodness to maturity.

Light waited until the darkness of the gods had reached their zenith. Everything was touched and twisted by the talons of the god of this world. Matter, numbers, shapes and colors, even science and reason were inebriated by the blood of unholy sacrifices.

Of all the possible worlds in the multiverse, only one held a righteous response to the foe of darkness.

It would require Light to veil all its glory by becoming flesh embodying Order, Beauty, and Truth, while placing Himself inside a dark box with limits but no light, not unlike the magician’s assistant who waits to be sawed in half. But unlike the trick of the man wearing a cloak and top hat, this written word is the incarnated truth.

The box is real.

The saw is real.

The blood is real.

The rebirth is real.

The trick is real.

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Carol Nickens
Carol Nickens
7 months ago

Chester! You are a master magician wordsmith! Your story is mesmerizing and profound.


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