God and the Timeless Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty


The withering of the imagination to the point of poetic impotency at the hands of reason (logos) clad knowledge-seekers during the epoch of the Enlightenment left a void in its philosophical wake. But as we know from experience, human nature has a way of redressing itself by swinging the proverbial pendulum back toward what it was originally contesting. Thus, the Romantic movement was born. The emphases then were on the power of nature, and the celebration of spirited individuality with a full range of emotions (pathos).

My contention is that the effects of the Enlightenment-esque movement of rational apologetics in an increasingly aesthetically-seeking postmodern world are scorching the imaginative landscape of human experience. In its wake, the intellectual Christian establishment is witnessing a desire for something more fulfilling. May I suggest a renaissance of the neglected transcendental ideal of Beauty? 

I’m not suggesting we hyperfocus on it at the expense of the other two ideals—Truth and Goodness. This would be a tragic mistake. We need Christian poets and storytellers at the same table with philosophical theologians, ethicists, and apologists to help answer the quintessential questions of life: What’s real?, What’s right?, What’s lovely?, which, in that order, address the nature of truth (logos), morality (ethos), and beauty (pathos)—all intricately interwoven. 

For example, truth (in its purest form) is beautiful. And beauty is the desire to do good and know good in a perfect and personal way, not stoically but dynamically as in a relationship. And here-within lies our need for God, for God puts eternity in our hearts—an eternal pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, which are all ultimately grounded in God himself.


Occam’s father shares a rite of passage with his son, who’s now of age to shave with a straight razor. As Occam learns the intimate art of holding the blade at an acute angle while performing short strokes against the grain to match the sharp curves of his face, he opens up about life choices….

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Christian apologetics exists to defend the faith from erroneous although imaginative arguments. It’s no wonder why apologists hold human imagination with severe suspicion. But as implied, it’s not the imagination itself that should be held in question, it’s the irrational and/or unscrupulous use of it, which has a tendency to smuggle in self-serving desires, which…

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No sooner than he closes his eyes, he feels a sharp pain in the frontal cortex of his brain. His training has begun. The pain remains in the frontal lobe for over three hours with fluctuating degrees of intensity. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, he’s depleted of energy and patience to the point of insanity. He feels conflicted, wanting to proceed with his transhumanist project in order to be perfect and live forever, but his suffering is unbearable.

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