
Enjoy this video (INDIGNANT) about spiritual warfare. The character I play is a representation of anyone who has been touched by evil and has had his/her innocence and identity stolen from him/her.

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After 90 seconds of cheer, she realized that Christina was still not responding to the medical examiner. She became worried, practically throwing herself onto the floor next to her opponent. (If she were completely honest, she not only wanted to bite into her gold hardware and taste victory, she also wanted to knock out her childhood bully. But she never intended to permanently debilitate her.)

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ABSTRACT Prince Myshkin’s phrase “Beauty will save the world” needs to be questioned and tested in order to perceive as to whether or not it is possible to accomplish its purpose. Can Beauty, on its own, detached from the transcendentals of Goodness and Truth, save the world? This article studies Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize speech,…

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“I’m single-minded. I’m deceptive. I’m obsessive. I’m selfish.” Shamelessly, he continues, “I have no empathy. I don’t respect you. I’m never satisfied. I have an obsession with power. I’m irrational. I have zero remorse. I have no sense of compassion. I’m delusional. I’m maniacal.” He finally ends the transvaluation of vices with slogans such as “I think I’m better than everyone else,” “I want to take what’s yours and never give it back” and “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.” The commercial finally concludes with bright red words in all caps: “WINNING ISN’T FOR EVERYONE.”

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