Greener Pastures


I’d like to take this time to announce that I’m starting to work as a creative writer with a focus on hope, joy, and empathy for a company called Eloquilt, which is an in-house multimedia platform.

I technically started in August but I have two pieces that will be published this month:

“The Sabbath Curse” (my story of academic burnout and the darkness that ensued) in Elmwood Falls 2021, Vol 1, Issue 3 (a quarterly print magazine).


Indignant” (a spoken word poem about spiritual warfare) in The Backdrop. (Click here to listen to my Spoken Word!) You can also go to, then click “The Backdrop” tab, then click “Backdrop #11, September 2, 2021.” You can read along by scrolling to page 7 as you listen to the audio version, which is just below the digital magazine. You should see a cool album cover (thanks to Cameron Smith) of metal being forged on an anvil with a play button. *This poem was adapted from a prayer written by my therapist, Kevin Kridner.

Thanks for accompanying me through this exciting journey!



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3 years ago

Excited to see how the Lord uses your incredible talent in this new venture. Your writings and poetry are gifts to the world and I’m happy to know that a whole new audience will benefit from them. Congratulations!


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