Enemy Line


Category: Devotionals, JESUS

Christ is the ideal soldier: he never leaves a man behind. Even under enemy fire he risks his own life to save the men and women under his authority. He puts the needs of his platoon before his own: they eat and then he eats; they sleep and then he sleeps; they shower and then he showers. His love is relentless.

He steels my spine; he is my inner skeleton. He gives my life structure and stability. His Spirit trains me to handle heavy artillery and shields me with camouflage from Satan’s arsenal.

Together we march through rough terrain as he encourages us across enemy line to take back a beachhead of promises. God is our master gunnery sergeant: the overseer of our spiritual recon training and wellbeing. 

At the end of the day, when the dust settles, the smoke clears, and the blood dries, he cleans me up and says, “Well done, good and faithful soldier.”          


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6 years ago

This definitely speaks to this old, salty Infantry soldier.


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Category: JESUS, Scripture

…the linguistic problem hammers the last nail in the coffin of the traditional setting of “the inn” being some sort of hotel. In Greek, katáluma is translated “lodging place,” “upper room,” or “guest room.”[6] Only a few translations call it something other than “the inn,” which lends itself to misinterpretation by Westerns who think of “the inn” as a kind of hostel or motel.[7] But Matthew’s gospel makes it clear that the Maji entered a “house”: “And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”[8] So, the traditional telling of “no room for them in the inn” should be translated “no room for them in the guest room upstairs.”  

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