A blog by Chester Delagneau

The Ethos, Pathos, Logos of Christ

Together, ethos, pathos, logos speak holistically and harmoniously to the human condition of transformation inspired by the nature of an ethical, passionate, rational God. Christ spoke with authority and credibility,[1] placing his ethos under a pedagogical umbrella. It astonished and moved his disciples. His enemies, on the other hand, exhibited an allergic reaction to his…

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Hello Friends and Family, My mind is constantly swirling with creative ideas. I’ve never been so inspired to write and yet I’ve never been so discouraged and broken. Momentarily, personal matters have culminated into a powder keg. Pray. Breathe. Exercise. Pray. Write. Work. Pray. Have been my constant companions who’ve gotten me through these waves…

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It’s time to start giving back. After years of researching, writing, reading, and studying in the fields of psychology, theology, philosophy, ethics, and spiritual formation, I have decided to become a spiritual life coach for men. My personal conviction is that coaching is modeling. And modeling is coaching. My heart is to see Christian men…

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Category: JESUS, Scripture

…the linguistic problem hammers the last nail in the coffin of the traditional setting of “the inn” being some sort of hotel. In Greek, katáluma is translated “lodging place,” “upper room,” or “guest room.”[6] Only a few translations call it something other than “the inn,” which lends itself to misinterpretation by Westerns who think of “the inn” as a kind of hostel or motel.[7] But Matthew’s gospel makes it clear that the Maji entered a “house”: “And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”[8] So, the traditional telling of “no room for them in the inn” should be translated “no room for them in the guest room upstairs.”  

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