The Power of Obedience


Walls cast shadows.

Light gets through

the cracks of the day:


Moments of obedience.

Moments of faith.

Moments that define us.

Moments of grace.


The power of obedience

is the paradox of eternity

packed tightly into grape clusters

that burst into time and space.


Not your Precious Moments figurines

but sleep-deprived warriors

with holsters for concealer and coffee.

Quick on the draw to conceal lines on their face

and savor the passing whiff of a fresh pot percolate.


Single moms

in carpool lanes

schlepping kids

to practices, appointments,

rehearsals and games

in minivans well spent

that all smell the same—

sour milk stained into the fabric of motherhood.


Or perhaps your pasture is greener,

maybe it’s filled with rocks,

perhaps you’re low on the totem pole

hiding money in socks

or maybe you’re just misunderstood.


It makes no difference,

we’re all called to bend a knee

in order to stand,

carving out time,

craving real intimacy.


Time waits for no one

yet we seize the day.


An hour,

five minutes,

whatever we can spare

proves we’re soldiers

in God’s army,

an infantry

interlocking fingers of faith

when we pray.


Every day is a battle,

a pinprick or gushing wound

from the crossfire of bullets,


an infirmary of minutes,

bandages on the hour,


calluses on disciplined minds,

mending papercuts on hearts

that turn the page of time.


Occam’s father shares a rite of passage with his son, who’s now of age to shave with a straight razor. As Occam learns the intimate art of holding the blade at an acute angle while performing short strokes against the grain to match the sharp curves of his face, he opens up about life choices….

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Christian apologetics exists to defend the faith from erroneous although imaginative arguments. It’s no wonder why apologists hold human imagination with severe suspicion. But as implied, it’s not the imagination itself that should be held in question, it’s the irrational and/or unscrupulous use of it, which has a tendency to smuggle in self-serving desires, which…

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No sooner than he closes his eyes, he feels a sharp pain in the frontal cortex of his brain. His training has begun. The pain remains in the frontal lobe for over three hours with fluctuating degrees of intensity. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, he’s depleted of energy and patience to the point of insanity. He feels conflicted, wanting to proceed with his transhumanist project in order to be perfect and live forever, but his suffering is unbearable.

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