‘The Night of Pain’


Category: Quotes

“The desire to be in God’s image without attaining Christ’s image is a desire for immediacy, which wants everything without detour and without self-actualization, a narcissistic desire of the ego to settle down in God, immortal and almighty, that doesn’t find it necessary ‘to let life be crucified’ and to experience the night of pain. To meditate on the cross means to say good-bye to the narcissistic hope of being free of sickness, deformity, and death.” Dorothee Soelle, Suffering, 131


ABSTRACT Prince Myshkin’s phrase “Beauty will save the world” needs to be questioned and tested in order to perceive as to whether or not it is possible to accomplish its purpose. Can Beauty, on its own, detached from the transcendentals of Goodness and Truth, save the world? This article studies Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize speech,…

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Category: Beauty, Cinema, Music, Poetry, Quotes

If you know me, then you know how much I love spoken word poetry and song lyrics. Creative lyrics–by disparate bands from two different songs separated by three decades–come to mind. In chronological order, the first music group is the American rock band known as The Doors, who everyone has heard of, from Generation Xers…

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Category: Quotes

Our basic sense of security is not money or escape from difficulties but believing God is good in the midst of the storm.

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