

Category: Morality, Philosophy

There are basically two types of skeptics: one that builds and the other that destroys. The former curiously takes things apart so she can know how things work, and because she respects the inherent design structure of the object she puts it back together again so others can enjoy it also. The latter anxiously pulls at the very fabric of what makes life enjoyable until there is nothing left to enjoy.

Which one are you?


Thoughts cannot be reduced to chemical reactions in the brain. To say otherwise is to greatly undermine the multifaceted nature of cognition and consciousness. Let’s take terms like “thoughts,” “consciousness,” and “mind” for example. To a substance dualist like me, who believes the mind is a metaphysical substance just as real as the material brain,…

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Kernels of gold sowed in sweat. Embodied husks designed to protect. Multicolored grain, a heavenly harvest. The plague in the Garden— one locust started— the Reaper ransoms to forget.   A rotted ear only hears the screams of its own dissection, an eternity of introspection. Rows of corn restless with guilt. The cup of wrath…

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A poem about a collage of experiences from Christian teenagers battling the temptations of living in a fallen world. Feeling torn in two, playing Pangea with Lily Pads: the kingdom of God vs the mud of the flood under my feet. One thing I look forward to— dangling my toes over a lazy lake sitting…

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