Elephant Ears


Category: Beauty, Nature, Poetry

A curl within a curl

within a curl

ad infinitum.


A turquoise fractal

with salty skin

and a wicked tongue.


The golden ratio—

multiplying itself

in eternal swirls—

a pillow for Poseidon.


I stare out at the horizon,

blue walls of hydrogen

and oxygen molecules

holding hands


as I listen with elephant ears

to the peels

of white-cap backpacks

on these eternal sojourners.


The butterfly-effect is real.


Towers that bend

as my feet descend

to taste the ripe fruit

of exotic wings


is the passport

time forgot.


When you were young, before my siblings and I were born, before you kissed our father— elevating him from bachelor to prince— you made shadows of figure 8 patterns with your shoulders and head on the Nicaraguan dirt.   A pendulum swing of brown cascading pigtails and a homemade skirt that made all the rich…

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A poem about a collage of experiences from Christian teenagers battling the temptations of living in a fallen world. Feeling torn in two, playing Pangea with Lily Pads: the kingdom of God vs the mud of the flood under my feet. One thing I look forward to— dangling my toes over a lazy lake sitting…

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ABSTRACT Prince Myshkin’s phrase “Beauty will save the world” needs to be questioned and tested in order to perceive as to whether or not it is possible to accomplish its purpose. Can Beauty, on its own, detached from the transcendentals of Goodness and Truth, save the world? This article studies Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Nobel Prize speech,…

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