Back to Being!


In our fast-paced modern world, pride can disguise itself as busyness or even success. I am not talking about healthy responsibility. I am referring to taking on more and more stress until there is no time for spontaneity, enjoyment, and rest. We shove God off His throne and replace Him as the center of the universe. We think to ourselves (even if we don’t say it aloud), “If something needs to get done, it’s up to me!” We even justify believing, “I don’t have time for God because….” But the very reason why our schedules become more and more crammed with stuff is because we have forgotten the most basic lesson of our existence—we are not God! We are created beings with limited power, energy, and resources. To every generation that prides itself on self-made productivity, the spiritual discipline of divine dependence falls on deaf ears. And the idol of doing (things) replaces the art of being (still).

Let’s go back to being!

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Mariann Arredondo
Mariann Arredondo
6 years ago

God continue to bless you as you share His word and your wisdom He has so graciously given to you.
Yours I Christ, Mariann


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