God is in the business of changing hearts and Jesus is the cardiac surgeon on call. Our job is to lie still on the operating table until the Holy Spirit instructs us where to go.
When it comes to understanding the mind of God the carnal mind is futile. It acknowledges the existence of a higher authority, yet fails to surrender the flesh to be stretched, stained, and ultimately broken for a redemptive heavenly suit.
We say we love, then turn around and hurt those closest to us. We are savage creatures not worthy of trust or love. But Christ is love. Now I’m free to love because it is no longer I who love but the Author of Love whom I trust to love through me.
Atheism is another word for intellectual tantrums.
Our nature as human beings propels forth a dual propensity to overcomplicate what is simple and oversimplify what is complex. The antidote to our perception of the dichotomy of life’s incomprehensibilities is a twofold injection: healthy and humble self-awareness (meek and lowly in spirit) and discerning knowledge (wisdom), which is predicated on the desire to…
LORD, we ask that You would hear our prayer and adopt our son as Your son so that from an early age Nathanael Joseph DeLagneau may know who he is in You—a redeemed sinner in Christ Jesus. May he know that when Your Spirit resides in him, You will neither leave him nor forsake him….
She nudged the open door where it secretly wanted to go. A stained-glass window stared at her from across the dusty, dark room. She danced and twirled towards it “spotting” the kaleidoscope light for balance. The Rembrandts waved as she passed by. With a sudden stop, she opened the colorful aperture to welcome the wind….
So what exactly is the Gospel? To answer this question let’s start with what it’s not. The Gospel is not simply a message of hope for humanity by becoming better humans (although being virtuous and doing virtuous things are by-products of receiving the Gospel). The best we can muster on our best day is an…
What does God’s suffering for us (on the cross) to save us and God’s suffering with us to strengthen and comfort us have to do with Christian character formation or Christ-likeness (cruciformity)? To read the full article click the highlighted title (Passibility, Atonement, and Cruciformity) at the bottom of this post. ABSTRACT Does God’s suffering…
“Other religions ask humanity to rise above their pain, or perhaps to deny it altogether. In Christianity, we do not rise above our pain; rather, God descends to it.” Philip Yancey, Forward to Charles Ohlrich’s The Suffering God: Hope and Comfort for Those Who Hurt