So what exactly is the Gospel? To answer this question let’s start with what it’s not. The Gospel is not simply a message of hope for humanity by becoming better humans (although being virtuous and doing virtuous things are by-products of receiving the Gospel). The best we can muster on our best day is an…
What does God’s suffering for us (on the cross) to save us and God’s suffering with us to strengthen and comfort us have to do with Christian character formation or Christ-likeness (cruciformity)? To read the full article click the highlighted title (Passibility, Atonement, and Cruciformity) at the bottom of this post. ABSTRACT Does God’s suffering…
“Other religions ask humanity to rise above their pain, or perhaps to deny it altogether. In Christianity, we do not rise above our pain; rather, God descends to it.” Philip Yancey, Forward to Charles Ohlrich’s The Suffering God: Hope and Comfort for Those Who Hurt
If you’ve ever wondered about the real roots of Islam or whether Islam is the religion of peace the liberal Western media portrays it to be or whether Muhammad is a moral role-model for the modern man, then this article is for you. Below is an abstract of the paper I’ve written in the recently…
“I found an island in your arms Country in your eyes….” Jim Morrison “Fides Quaerens Intellectum.” (“Faith Seeking Understanding”) Anselm “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle “God does not expect us to submit our faith to him without reason, but the very limits…
I was at Starbucks the other day having a Bible study, as well as watching a DVD on The Life and Theology of Jonathan Edwards, when I saw two girls sitting directly across from me. I could tell something was amiss. One girl seemed ‘high’ due to her numb and lethargic disposition, and the sober…
As born again Christians we are (newly) created to share the Gospel, thus we’re fulfilling our new nature whenever we evangelize. God does not only command us to preach God’s love via Jesus’ atonement in order to save those who haven’t yet put their trust in His Son; He also commands it because it’s good…
“After years of probing the spectacular mysteries of the universe, I have been led to a firm belief in the existence of God. The grandeur of the cosmos serves only to confirm my belief in the certainty of a creator. I just cannot envision this whole Universe coming into being without something like divine will….