“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor 10:5) Our thought life matters to God! It is (partly) how we show Him we love Him and how we set ourselves apart for Him in…
When we focus on our circumstances, God offends us and we offend Him. But when we focus on God, we offend our circumstances by being victorious over them. Hallelujah! We have the victory in Christ Jesus!
We want to overcome our fears with faith in God, but how do we do that? One way is to remember God in context to History. Recall what God has done throughout the ages for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, et al. Particularly with the patriarchs, God was sovereign, providential, merciful, and He kept…
LORD, help me not to be overcome with fear but, rather, help me to overcome fear with faith!
If you’ve ever wondered about the relation between meaning (in a material world) and altruism, as well as the relation between happiness and suffering for Christians, then read MacIntyre’s Theistic Eudaimonism in a Fallen World.
To prevent heartless robots, God fragranced us with the freedom to choose. Truth becomes stranger than fiction when evil appears in our lives as inexorable sufferings. Human beings have an audacious impetuosity to blame God for life’s calamities and man’s moral decline, which so happens to embody an absolute reality known as irony.
Insanity is to exist a lifetime of doing and not knowing – or worse – knowing and not doing.
A healthy imagination is infectious! One must go out of her way in a feverish attempt to deprive herself of God’s innovative genius, which transforms people into resourceful giants, otherwise known as artists. 040703
Perilous Christians are those who deceive and prey on new believers whose naivety causes them to swallow sand thinking its sugar. They are in fact guilty of two splendid evils: limiting God by capitalizing on the Holy Spirit and mocking Him by pretending to wear a form of godliness, all-the-while, lugging around heretical hearts – hating…
We fear truth because truth requires accountability and change. But once we are accountable to that change, truth will set us free from our former fears. 012604